All evaluations, intakes, testing, scoring and interpreting results, report writing, and feedback sessions are administered and completed exclusively by Dr. Heather Cygan.
There are many different types of evaluations, some very brief, some more extensive. Dr. Cygan will work directly with you to decide which evaluation is most appropriate for your child.
The Initial Consultation
This typically involves a 5 to 15 minute phone call but can also be via email, to determine if my services fit your child’s individual needs and is always free.
Intake and Final Feedback Sessions for developmental and psychological evaluations.
Intake Session: Includes a review of consent forms, gathering of developmental history, discussing the reason for the evaluation or referral question with the clinician, and receiving individualized recommendations for testing.
Feedback Session: Includes an overview of test findings and results as well as individualized recommendations for parents/caregivers based on the results of the assessment.
Comprehensive Developmental Assessment
Infants & Toddlers (Ages 0 to 3 years)
This type of assessment is most appropriate to identify neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, general developmental delays, speech/language delays, intellectual disabilities, and functional difficulties associated with birth injuries as well as genetic or metabolic disorders.
All Comprehensive Developmental/Behavioral Assessments include:
Intelligence testing
Assessment of Adaptive/Daily Living Skills
Behavioral/Social Skills Assessment
Evaluation of verbal and nonverbal communication skills
Screening of visual-motor skills/integration
Play observation when appropriate
A comprehensive written report with suggested interventions
Comprehensive Psychological Assessment
Children, Adolescents, and Teenagers (Ages 4 to 16 years)
A full psychological assessment explores how cognitive, attention, and emotional/behavioral factors may impact a child’s academic, social, and/or functional success. Information will be collected from a variety of sources, including parental report, child report (if applicable), and teachers' reports. Data collected from psychological tests are analyzed and contextually integrated with both current and historical information.
All assessments include:
Intelligence testing
Testing of all neuropsychological processing areas appropriate, such as processing speed, visual-motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, auditory processing skills, phonological processing skills, attention/concentration skills, oral language, retrieval speed
Behavior/Emotional/Social assessment
Assessment of Adaptive/Daily Living Skills
A comprehensive written report with suggested interventions
Additional Psychological Assessments
We offer a variety of diagnostic assessments/evaluations including:
Fast Track Autism Spectrum Disorder evaluations using the ADOS-2
Re-evaluations to assess current functionality
Updated evaluations for the continuation of services/insurance needs
Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver and/or NOW Comp Waiver assessment.
Addendum for previous evaluations